Twinks Take It Big review
Top Gay Sites
- Quantity1.0 / 15
- Quality12.0 / 15
- Update Freq.3.0 / 10
- Exclusivity10.0 / 10
- Entertainment7.5 / 10
- Downloadability5.0 / 5
- Extras3.5 / 5
Cost / Markup
- Value/Money10.0 / 20
- Markup0.0 / 5
- Navigation3.5 / 5
- Design3.5 / 5
Final Score
Videobox Men - 89
Gay Room - 86.5
Boys First Time - 85.5
Plenty of Dicks - 84
Gay Violations - 83.5
Suite 703 - 83.5
Male Unit - 83
BF Collection - 83
Male Digital - 82.5
All Gay Reality Pass - 82.5
Bareback Access - 82.5
Male Spectrum Pass - 82.5
His First Gay Sex - 82
His First Huge Cock - 82
Next Door Pass - 81.5
Gay Asian Network - 81.5
Next Door Male - 80.5
Blacks On Boys - 80.5
Next Door Buddies - 80.5
Gay Asian Amateurs - 80.5

- Has exclusive DVD scenes.
- Nice selection of hardcore twink big cock porn.
- Good quality videos.
- Entertaining niche content.
- Access to 12 more exclusive sister sites included along with other bonus sites and over 350 DVDs.
- Way too small content count, only 7 exclusive movies.
- Though contents are dated, frequency of updates cannot be determined.
- Limited video format, only WMV.
Bottom Line
- Twinks Take It Big has fun to watch, all exclusive content, but at the same time lacks the necessary size to be worth it on its own which means you should have an interest in the other bonus sites and content to get a lot for your money at TwinksTakeItBig.
The Facts
Secondary Categor(ies):
Join Options:
Credit Card
$4.95 (2 Day Limited Trial, recurs at $34.95)
$29.91 (1 Month, Recurring)
$59.91 (3-Months, Recurring)
No DRM license restrictions.
7 video sets (avg. 20 minutes)
Downloadable: Y | Streams: Y | One-File Downloads: Y | Multi-Bandwidth: Y | Vid Caps: N
Video Format(s):
WMV High: 622x350, 1528 kbps
WMV Low: 352x198, 928 kbps
Flash: 408x240, bit rate unknown
More Content Details:
Condoms used in scenes: Yes
Download Limit: No specific information found.
Download Speed: 465 KB/s (reviewers max: 527 KB/s / 4219 kbps).
Content Exclusivity: Everything is 100% exclusive.
Third Party / Bonus Content: Downloadable GAY DVD content (over 400).
Model Index: Yes
Number of Models: 14
Content / Model categorization: By Name
5 out of 25 available features shown.
with your membership:
Quick Tour Preview
Review Log:
2008-10-11: added to database, Quick Facts added.
Twink Mov - 77.5
Pride MOV - 77
Gay Download Key - 74.5
Bi Archive - 73.5
Straight Fuck Fest - 60
Boys Lick Ass - 60
Straight Internal - 59.5
Married Men Exposed - 59.5
Panty Ass Boys - 59
Cum Filled Boys - 59
Mr. Bigs Adventures - 59
Straight Cumswap - 58.5
Visitor Ratings:
Votes: 0
Average Rating: 0 / 100