Hardcore Smoothies review
Hardcore Smoothies
Initial Review: 2010-10-05
Last Update: 2011-05-05
Hardcore Smoothies aims to shock and give us pleasure by showcasing hotties who prefer their smoothies to get poured down their gaping assholes, get the concoction back through a tube and have them drink it.
- Quantity2.0 / 15
- Quality14.0 / 15
- Update Freq.7.0 / 10
- Exclusivity10.0 / 10
- Entertainment8.0 / 10
- Downloadability5.0 / 5
- Extras3.5 / 5
Cost / Markup
- Value/Money12.0 / 20
- Markup0.0 / 5
- Navigation3.5 / 5
- Design3.5 / 5
Final Score

- Content is all exclusive.
- Gives network access (consists of 7 sites).
- Updates very frequently (2-3 updates each week).
- Outstanding video quality (comes in HD).
- Site theme is unique and interesting.
- Multiple video formats (WMV, MPEG and FLV), option to view/download as full-scene or clips.
- Has a lot of bonus content.
- Pretty average site design.
- Not a lot of content up (still a growing site).
- No zipped photo sets.
Bottom Line
- If you like the kind of content featured on Hardcore Smoothies you might very well go for it. The content is growing nicely and comes with a good setup of bonus sites which should make it worth your while.
The Facts
Secondary Categor(ies):
Fetish, Extreme Sex
Details: 2-3 updates every week.
Update Log: Yes
Dated Content: Yes
Join Options:
Credit Card, Check
$0.95 (2-Day Limited Trial, recurs at $39.95)
$27.95 (1 Month, Recurring)
No DRM license restrictions.
Regional Pricing:
No discriminatory pricing!
Yes, one pre-checked cross sale offer above the join button
51 photo sets (avg. 140 pictures)
Hi-Res: Y | Different Sizes: N | ZIP Files: N | Slideshow: Y
Image Resolutions: 757x1136 (Hi Res), 800x450 (Vid Caps)
contentCALC [?]:
As of today, 2025-03-26, there should be 1742 photo sets available
contentCALC accuracy:
for this site is currently not available (too soon to verify accuracy).
51 video sets (avg. 20 minutes)
Downloadable: Y | Streams: Y | One-File Downloads: Y | Multi-Bandwidth: Y | Vid Caps: Y
contentCALC [?]:
As of today, 2025-03-26, there should be 1742 video sets available
contentCALC accuracy:
for this site is currently not available (too soon to verify accuracy).
Video Format(s):
WMV HD: 1920x1080, 7000 Kbps
WMV High: 640x360, 2000 Kbps
MPEG High: 360x202, 900 Kbps
Flash: 640x360, 2000 Kbps
Video Skip:
Can skip ahead. Short buffer.
Other Vid Details:
No music. Small watermark.
More Content Details:
Content Rotation: None, true update schedule.
Download Limit: No specific information found.
Condoms used in scenes: No
Content / Model categorization: Name, Date, Popularity
Content Exclusivity:
100% exclusive content.
Download Speed:
610 KB/s (reviewers max: 627 KB/s / 4219 kbps).
Logging In:
Only log in required; Videos don't require re-entry of log in; Saved after closing browser
Model Appearance:
Mostly white, from amateur to model types, from thin to average body type. Ages 18-30.
Model info:
Model Index: Yes
Number of Models: 47
Top Bizarre Sites
The Amputee - 79.5
The Rubber Clinic - 78.5
The Minion - 75.5
Ghetto Confessions - 75
Bizarre Adult Club - 75
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Hardcore Smoothies - 68.5
Swirlie Girls - 67.5
It's Real - 67
Jositos Will - 63
Freak Fuckers - 63
Circus Penis - 48.5
Taboo Insertions - 29

with your membership:
Quick Tour Preview
Review Log:
2010-11-01: Hardcore Smoothies review added.
2010-10-10: hardcoresmoothies.com added to database, Quick Facts added.
Tag Team Tranny - 71.5
Will She Explode - 71
Spitsters - 70
Gagalicious - 70
SoCal Porn Sluts - 69
Solo Trannies - 68.5
Hardcore Power Tools - 67.5
Visitor Ratings:
Votes: 0
Average Rating: 0 / 100