Device Bondage review

Device Bondage

Initial Review: 2007-04-20

Last Update: 2018-07-24

DeviceBondage is the latest miracle brought to us by the people behind KINK. Since they bought the Armory in SanFran for $13m to shoot bondage porn (and hell they made news with that), they have been shooting very high quality content.


  • Quantity
    12.5 / 15
  • Quality
    14.0 / 15
  • Update Freq.
    8.5 / 10
  • Exclusivity
    10.0 / 10
  • Entertainment
    8.5 / 10
  • Downloadability
    5.0 / 5
  • Extras
    3.0 / 5

Cost / Markup

  • Value/Money
    14.5 / 20
  • Markup
    0.0 / 5


  • Navigation
    3.0 / 5
  • Design
    3.0 / 5

Final Score


Out of 100


  • The content is absolutely awesome and 100% exclusive.
  • Their models are all really beautiful - see for yourself.
  • Everything is done by true niche experts.
  • Detailed updates (all information one could ask for).
  • Site has a list of future shoot dates (for this site and the other network sites) and the name of the directors and models who will be involved.
  • Lots of useful extras in the site (device gallery shows the instruments used in the videos; plus forums and live shows).
  • A model directory is present for better model search.
  • Members can choose the pictures they like and the site will put them all in a zip file for you.
  • Pictures are of good quality (sizes are about 1200x800 px).
  • UPDATE(2012-01-10): Site updates approximately every 4 days - amazing!
  • Members can comment on videos and share their suggestions with the director.
  • Bonus access to 22 sites is included with your membership.


  • Navigation could use some improvement.
  • There are no full downloads (videos can be downloaded in parts as zip files, though).

Bottom Line

  • DeviceBondage is a monster, not just in relation to its price. This one will grow fast and soon be pumped with incredible content. If you like bondage and IF you can afford this one GO for it. The content is really awesome. Considering the site updates twice a week you MIGHT even consider the multi month memberships... the price gets a little better with those.

The Facts



Secondary Categor(ies):

Fetish, Hardcore


Details: Bi-weekly.
Update Log: Yes
Dated Content: Yes

Join Options:

Credit Card, Check, Postal Mail


$55.00 (Monthly, Recurring)
$99.00 (3 Months, Recurring)
$156.00 (6 Months (Non-Recurring))


No DRM license restrictions.


No cross sales.


920 photo sets (avg. 90 pictures)
Hi-Res: Y | Different Sizes: Y | ZIP Files: Y | Slideshow: N
Image Resolutions: 533x800 (Standard), 800x1200 (High Res)

contentCALC [?]:

As of today, 2025-03-06, there should be 1093 photo sets available

contentCALC accuracy:

Has been last verified on 2018-07-24 and arrived at 100% accuracy.


920 video sets (avg. 15 minutes)
Downloadable: Y | Streams: Y | One-File Downloads: N | Multi-Bandwidth: Y | Vid Caps: N
Average movie size: 120 MB (1/5-File HD WMV), 40 MB (1/5-File High WMV), 230 MB (1/5-File High MPEG 4), 60 MB (1/5-File Low MPEG 4)

contentCALC [?]:

As of today, 2025-03-06, there should be 1093 video sets available

contentCALC accuracy:

Has been last verified on 2018-07-24 and arrived at 100% accuracy.

Video Format(s):

RM: 854x480, 906 kbps
WMV HD: 1280x720, 1.62 Mbps
WMV High: 960x540, 984 Kbps
Flash: 722x404, bitrate unknown
mp4: 1280x720, 3000 Kbps (HD) / 640x360, 861.76 Kbps (small screen)

Video Skip:

Can skip ahead.

Other Vid Details:

Medium-sized watermark Smooth Flash Player.

More Content Details:

Content Rotation: No rotation.
Download Limit: There appears to be no download limit.
Condoms used in scenes: No
Content / Model categorization: by name, by number of shoots, by latest performance

Content Exclusivity:

100% Exclusive.

Download Speed:

465 KB/s (reviewers max: 527 KB/s / 4219 kbps).

Logging In:

Only log in required. Content doesn't require re-entry of login info. Not saved after browser was closed.

Model Appearance:

Mostly white, amateurish, from thin to normal body type

Model info:

Model Index: No

Top BDSM Sites

  1. Hog Tied - 84

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  3. Wired Pussy - 83.5

  4. Whipped Ass - 82.5

  5. Device Bondage - 82

  6. Dominated Girls - 80.5

  7. Sex And Submission - 80.5

  8. Mighty Mistress - 80

  9. Chanta's Bitches - 79.5

  10. Fucked And Bound - 78.5

  11. 3D Kink - 78.5

  12. House Of Taboo - 78.5

  13. BDSM Ticket - 78.5

  14. Damsels In Peril - 78.5

  15. The Training of O - 78

  16. Public Disgrace - 76

  17. Disgraced 18 - 75

  18. Enslaved Gals - 75

  19. BDSM Giant - 75

  20. Bondage Auditions - 74

View all BDSM sites
View all Fetish sites
Picture Samples:

    Feed Button
Video Review is N/AShow / Hide the Members Area Screenshot Launch the Gallery Console

with your membership:

This review is based on the facts / status when written / updated on 2007-04-27:

Written by John, a junior writer.

The Site:

Device Bondage offers a dark, grimy layout that instantly gives you the feeling of authenticity. It�s simple yet very real, and very suitable for its topic. Here there seems to be something for the thirsty sadist in all of us: top quality bondage movies, real live shows featuring some very attractive ladies, a gallery with dreadfully detailed images of some of the most horrible torture devices you can imagine, a member�s forum with surprising activity for such a new site, and also a complete schedule of all the upcoming shoots.

'The quality is obviously there' is the first thing that came to mind when I first saw the inside of this site. Not a not small compliment coming from someone who is not a particular fan of the niche. I was very impressed. There seems to be an incredible amount of work and detail behind each single shot. You can definitely feel the girl�s pain as if it were your own, which I think is something a lot of members will appreciate. The atmosphere of the site is dark and gruesome, especially in their Device Gallery, which illustrates a series of shocking machines carefully designed for applying pain. The page looks as if it was ripped out of a medieval book of torture. You can click on any of the devices and be rewarded with a creepy third-dimensional presentation (done very nicely I might add) and a short text description explaining what such a marvelous instrument is capable of and it�s history. This part alone should be worth the price of membership for some torture buffs out there.
Device Bondage has only approximately 20 scenes you will not find on any other site. It�s obvious they cater to a very selective audience, who only want to see the real deal. Each video is divided into different clips. The videos have anywhere from 5 to 10 breathtaking, very high-quality clips, that also offer the member a chance to leave feedback or comments for the scene, which a lot of people do, and some of them can be very humorous. There is a lot of interaction between the actress and director in these videos, you can tell it�s very personal experience for both of them. Overall I was very impressed with the video quality.
Device Bondage has some top-notch pictures as well. Every photograph is extremely meticulous and well prepared, and the girls look very beautiful in their pain. Some scenes offer a lot more pics than others, but they are all worth a look. Again the dark dungeon atmosphere plays itself out very nicely in these pictures.
As for the models some of them are shockingly pretty and innocent-looking. It�s amazing to see them in some of those bizarre positions; you really wouldn�t believe it�s them. Every scene is accompanied by a few paragraphs of text that summarize the scene. Some texts offer cool info about the unique locations where the shoots occur, others say something about the model and how she felt before, during and after the shoot, while others just like to ramble on every painful detail. Either way, I found them to be pretty entertaining.
Device Bondage also adds a feature that lets you watch live shows via streaming video. Some these shows last several hours, and there�s a chat room where you can interact with the model and other members, ask questions and even offer suggestions.
The forum seems to be visited by some interesting characters that sound like real experts on the subject of torture. If this is the community you�ve been searching for, than Device Bondage might just be the perfect site for you. The films are constructively criticized, with members adding suggestions for the directors.

Some scenes should have offer pictures and others should simply have more footage. There doesn�t seem to be a clear balance in regards to this. Something else I didn�t like very much was that when you clicked on some of the menu options they opened up on another browser. For example if you click on the �Models� option, a new window will pop up with the girls. Why this is I�m not sure, but I found it to be a bit distracting. I will also have to mention the price of course. I know the content is very expensive to shoot and everything but 55 bucks... jesus.

In terms of reality and gruesomeness, Device Bondage seems to be in a league of its own. Entering the site is like entering a dark dungeon, filled with beautiful women being tortured medieval-style with wooden horses, gags, neck and wrist spreaders and other delightful pieces of equipment that�ll shock you. The girls are lead through pure hell by the directors, and you�re right there to witness the entire experience from start to finish.

Quick Tour Preview

Review Log:

2018-07-24: Quick Facts updated, contentCALC verified.
2012-01-10: Quick Facts updated, contentCALC reset.
2009-04-29: Quick Facts updated, contentCALC verified.
2007-04-27: Device Bondage review published.
2007-04-25: Sample DeviceBondage galleries added.
2007-04-23: Quick Facts added, contentCALC activated.
2007-04-20: added to database.
  1. Fucking Machines - 85

  2. Water Bondage - 84

  3. Hog Tied - 84

  4. Wired Pussy - 83.5

  5. Ultimate Surrender - 82.5

  6. Whipped Ass - 82.5

  7. Men In Pain - 81.5

  8. Sex And Submission - 80.5

  9. 3D Kink - 78.5

  10. The Training of O - 78

  11. Bound Gods - 76.5

  12. Public Disgrace - 76

  13. TS Seduction - 74.5

  14. Behind Kink - 74

  15. Naked Kombat - 71.5

  16. Butt Machine Boys - 68.5

  17. Divine Bitches - 67.5

  18. The Upper Floor - 67

Visitor Ratings:

Votes: 1

Average Rating: 95.0 / 100