BF Collection review
Top Gay Sites
BF Collection
Initial Review: 2006-06-05
Last Update: 2008-08-06
Boy Fun Collection quite a find for lovers of gay porn. They feature mostly pretty twinks, good quality photos and videos, and bulk of content. BoyFun Collection boasts 1000+ models, 2000+ photo sets and 500 video sets.
- Quantity15.0 / 15
- Quality13.5 / 15
- Update Freq.9.0 / 10
- Exclusivity8.0 / 10
- Entertainment9.0 / 10
- Downloadability5.0 / 5
- Extras1.5 / 5
Cost / Markup
- Value/Money16.5 / 20
- Markup0.0 / 5
- Navigation3.5 / 5
- Design2.0 / 5
Final Score
Videobox Men - 89
Gay Room - 86.5
Boys First Time - 85.5
Plenty of Dicks - 84
Gay Violations - 83.5
Suite 703 - 83.5
Male Unit - 83
BF Collection - 83
Male Digital - 82.5
All Gay Reality Pass - 82.5
Bareback Access - 82.5
Male Spectrum Pass - 82.5
His First Gay Sex - 82
His First Huge Cock - 82
Gay Asian Network - 81.5
Next Door Pass - 81.5
Bang Bang Boys - 80.5
Next Door Male - 80.5
Blacks On Boys - 80.5
Gay Asian Amateurs - 80.5

- Photo sets are updated every 2 days (4 sets) while video sets are updated every 2 days (4 sets).
- Sets inside are exclusive.
- Very pretty "content" and nice gay action.
- A large amount of exclusive content.
- Features both softcore and hardcore.
- Nice quality and fun to watch movies.
- High and low resolution option for the photo sets.
- Pics can be downloaded through zip files.
- Design is a little "old-fashioned".
- No video download options (formats, sizes, 1 file downloads).
- Not much other extras.
Bottom Line
- BF Collection definitely brings you a lot of content for your money with a good mixture of both hardcore and softcore in a variety of sub-niches. Overall I can say that this is without a doubt one of the better sites on the net these days.
The Facts
Secondary Categor(ies):
Details: Photo sets: 4 sets every 2 days, videos: 8 sets every 8 days.
Join Options:
Credit Card, Check, 900 Number, Postal Mail
$29.95 (1 Month, Recurring)
$69.95 (3-Months, Recurring)
No DRM license restrictions.
3714 photo sets (avg. 100 pictures)
Hi-Res: Y | Different Sizes: N | ZIP Files: Y | Slideshow: N
Image Resolutions: 1500x1001 and 1024x685 (Hi Res)
contentCALC [?]:
As of today, 2025-03-26, there should be 15870 photo sets available
contentCALC accuracy:
Has been last verified on 2008-08-06 and arrived at 93.941% accuracy.
1410 video sets (avg. 20 minutes)
Downloadable: Y | Streams: Y | One-File Downloads: Y | Multi-Bandwidth: N | Vid Caps: N
Average movie size: 190MB (1-File WMV)
contentCALC [?]:
As of today, 2025-03-26, there should be 13566 video sets available
contentCALC accuracy:
Has been last verified on 2008-08-06 and arrived at 68.368% accuracy.
Video Format(s):
WMV : 1280x720, 2699 kbps
More Content Details:
Condoms used in scenes: No
Download Limit: There appears to be no download limit.
Download Speed: 420 KB/s (reviewers max: 527 KB/s / 4219 kbps).
Content Exclusivity: 100% Web-Exclusive
Third Party / Bonus Content: None
Live Webcams: None
Model Index: Yes
Number of Models: 1316
Content / Model categorization: Model name, date of update
10 out of 25 available features shown.
The other company sites:
The Site:
I think Boy Fun Collection is one of the best and most interesting gay sites out there. Featuring both quantity and quality, BF Collection boasts 1000+ models, 2000+ photo sets and 500 video sets. The site's models are usually twinks, very young very very pretty really.
The Content:
I have not had occasion to view all the 1085 models of the site, but see they are listed alphabetically by name, and the fact that there are 12 different Adams should already tell you the expanse of the site's models.
BF Collection updates every two days and is divided into Hardcore and Softcore Galleries, with the latter being subdivided subsequently into subcategories. These are Amateurs (817 photo sets), Athletes (252 photo sets), Ethnic(153 photo sets), Outdoors (241 photo sets), and Teens (804 photo sets), totaling 2675 photo sets, each with at least a hundred photos. The photos, especially the most recent ones, are not bad at 1000x600 resolution; the sets can also be conveniently downloaded into zip files. The Hardcore Galleries usually contain pictures of the boys having sex - hot stuff. There are 408 photo sets here, also good quality and downloadable.
The Movies Section on the other hand, features 500 video sets. The organization here is weird though, sometimes they come in 2 parts, approximately 35MB each, with the more recent in 60MB. Others, usually the pairs, come in 4 parts of 40MB each, though I have seen some solos in 4 parts. They do not offer full downloads, except for some sets that I saw, dated 2004. Anyway, they must have thought it unwise, as the more recent sets do not have it.
Lastly, there are two other links in the main home of the site: the Feeds and Zines, which are some extras, and the Top Rated, which uses the ratings function of the site, featuring either photo or video sets that are popular with the members. They have no way of showing the actual ratings though.
The Criticism:
There really isn't much to criticize here. However a search function could have helped the organization, though the Model Index actually works fine for me (personally).
The Conclusion:
BF Collection is a good gay teens site with nice quality and quantity that is regulary being updated. I'd say $29.95 is a fair deal for this site, especially if twinks and gay porn is your thing. The site also gives a nice combination of softcore and hardcore which is just as well = full recommendation from me.
Quick Tour Preview
Review Log:
2007-09-30: Quick Facts updated, contentCALC activated, Sample BF Collection galleries added.
2006-06-05: added to database, Quick Facts added, BF Collection review posted.
BF Collection - 83
Karups Private Collection - 82.5
Karups Hometown Amateurs - 82.5
Karups Older Women - 80.5
Visitor Ratings:
Votes: 1
Average Rating: 100.0 / 100